Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just Thinking

I was reading tweets from various people when I came across one from someone boarding a plane. It said something like, “Damn. Lady with a baby just sat in my row.” I smiled, thinking of that person and remembering when I would have had the same reaction. It’s just interesting how your experiences change you. Now, I would be the lady with the baby sitting down by him tweeting, “Great, cute, but grouchy looking guy in my row. He’s already glaring at me.” I would be grumbling in my head, “ Probably single and has never had to travel with a kid. I hate traveling with a baby, but I have a right to visit family too.” While wishing I could sit a few rows ahead with the nice looking older lady who probably knew what I was going through. I didn’t want to be that “damn lady with the baby,” but we all get our turn.

A couple of years ago, before my adorable “surprise” called Hewson I had a different perspective about riding a plane with infants. If I boarded a plane and sat by a woman with a baby my message would have read something like, “Sitting by woman with toddler. Poor lady, just glad it’s not me.” And that would be the truth, all I’d be feeling was relief. I’d offer to help and just smile at the cries, because they weren’t my concern.

That’s why I couldn’t help, but chuckle at the tweet, because some day it will be the complainer’s turn to be the one on the plane with the baby. I’ll be happy when it’s my turn to be the helpful older lady.

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