Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Every 2nd Grader Needs to Know About 3rd Grade

    I recently asked my class to list the ten most important things someone coming into third grade next year needs to know.  There were a wide variety of answers.  Some I expected: know your multiplication facts, read lots, you get new teachers.  There were also quite a few that surprised me. 
    Here are a few of my favorite lists:

1. It’s hard.
2. You get desks.
3. It feels like it’s longer.
4. You get two PE’s a week.
5. You don’t get any field trips.
6. You do get fun days like Greece and Egypt Day.
7. It’s fun.
8. You get good friends.
9. You go to a new science room
10. You go to a new music room.

1. It’s really fun.
2. You should like sports.
3. Don’t complain
4. Want to earn tallies.
5. Return stuff.
6. Love to read.
7. Be competitive.
8. You have extra long music programs.
9. Learn to write carefully.
10. Like action.

1. Know your long division.
2. Know how to spell THE
3. Know how to read with a partner.
4. Know how to keep your face neat during art.
5. Multiplication
6. What 5+15= is
7. How to control being a tattle tale.
8. How to read for about an hour without messing around.
9. Fractions
10. How to keep your desk clean.

1. Listen!
2. Learn
3. Be happy
4. Don’t do the opposite of what the teacher says
5. Be quiet
6. Don’t play in class
7. Follow the class rules
8. Don’t keep secrets from your friends
9. Don’t act like a crazy hobo
10. Follow these instructions

1. It’s harder
2. You need to be smart
3. You will learn about different places
4. It’s funner
5. You need to know your times
6. You read harder books
7. You do famous people
8. Your desks move around a lot
9. Homework is harder
10. You have to work harder.

1. Be friendly
2. Don’t make Mrs. J mad
3. Be ready for lots of homework
4. Get costumes early for Egypt and Greece Day
5. Always return your library books
6. Always put your name on your paper
7. Accidents happen
8. Kickball will take over your life
9. Eat a lot
10. Drink a lot

    Now you should be prepared for third grade.  I guess it’s a lot harder.  Also, beware of making your sports loving teacher angry, as you learn your times tables and read harder books.  Good luck!

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