Friday, April 30, 2010

Just Me and My Toddler

    I started my day demanding to know who had angered the Gods because once again I woke up to snow.  SNOW!  It is April 30th!  My mother quickly comment on my facebook page that I was to blame because I have been a neglectful daughter.  Sadly it is true.  I have some good excuses though, teaching (work) and motherhood.  A week of snow when it is supposed to be spring has meant high strung, cooped up students and too much indoor recess.  Spring fever turned upside down by sudden freezing storms equals chaos.  Throw in a middle school daughter who “has to” have a new outfit for the dance tonight, moody 15 and 2 year old boys (so many years separate them yet their temper tantrums sounds look so much alike) and I’m exhausted at the end of each day. That’s just how this week seems to be.  It’s always something, isn’t it?
    That’s why it’s so nice to be sitting here locked in my toddler's room.  I'm happily typing,while he's dancing and bouncing on his bed as he enjoys some tunes.  I’ve been trying to check out this sight for a while, but I’ve just caught glances before.  I’m glad we’ve hidden away and taken a closer look.  It’s called “Munchkin Radio.”  Moms with little kids take a look, I think you’ll like it.

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