Monday, December 7, 2009

I'm the Boss

     My youngest is two and a half.  He is also 10 years younger than his sister and 12 years younger than his brother.  I often wonder what life is like from his perspective.  His life is dominated by giants who all have lots to say.  Often he has plenty of attention because he has almost four grown-ups at his disposal.  At other times he can be ignored in the bustle of daily life.
     He has discovered that mornings are his time to be in charge.  While the rest of us stumble around slowly waking, he quickly wakes up and is ready to go.  As the morning gets busy he gets bossier.  The closer we scramble to leave the house, the more orders he issues.
     "Get your shoes on, 'Lessia." he directs his sister.
     "Rilwyn!" he shouts down the stairs, "Time to go."
     "Let's go Riwyn."
     "Mom," he questions, "You ready?"
     "You coming dad?"
     "Open the door," he demands.
     He directs us all until we're all in the car ready to head out for our day.  Right now it's dang cute, let's hope his bossiness becomes more subtle and diplomatic as he gets older.

1 comment:

  1. He is dang cute in his general mode. I think in a couple of years he'll still be cute and by then everyone will already be ignoring him.
